2014DoingMe's Journal

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15 February 2014

:-) Hello everyone!! What a beautiful day despite all the snow and rain we are getting. I have had a slight headache all week. I am thinking maybe it is hormonal changes causing it. Really!! The headache has made me kind of slumpy since Wednesday. I will have to get out today just to find something hopefully to help it.

Eating has been on track since I didn't know if the headache was from high blood pressure or hormonal changes. I been staying away from salty foods or processed stuff. Taking blood pressure medicine so that's why I believe it is hormonal stuff. Don't think it is from being on Atkins because I never get a headache from it but it could be a first time for everything. I am so proud of me because even when I falter I get back on track. There is hope I believe for me after all. Tried on the outfit that I am suppose to wear in June. (yeah, I know I plan so far ahead) Now, excuse me for saying this but why the heck are my breast the first thing to go? The shirt is one of those one sleeve shirts, really cute but the part that goes under the arm across the chest is jut too big and the rest of the shirt is snug. So, I'm dealing with a hot mess!!! :-/ Oh well........... (laughing) I will be too small for the whole outfit in June anyway. So, I need to stop shopping like a foolish woman. :-) And thinking like a smart one ;-). Wasting money..just nonsense..don't even think I can return it because I have had it too long.

Soooo quiet and peaceful here at the moment. Everyone is sleeping, no television or game systems playing in the background just me listening to the rain. Seems like I been stuck at 323 pounds forever I know. However, I just refuse to weigh just yet. I do believe the water weight is about gone, but I am just going to wait a few more days to make sure.

Well everyone make it a great day!!! I am going to try!!! Let's keep our eyes on the prize. Yep, one of my rambling on and on days. :-)

14 February 2014

13 February 2014

I have been sticking to Atkins faithfully. :-) Yay me!!!

Now, that we are snowed in and I mean really. I have to will myself to stay away from the cupboards.Out of protein shakes. Should have stocked up on them before storm hit. I have noticed they do not cause me to stall on Atkins. I am going to try on clothes today. I have one outfit in mind. I have to be able to wear it by June. I still have time I know but I want to see if I am making progress.

I opened my front door and I just have to wonder who the heck is going to get all that snow shoveled away? (shaking my head) Then I look at the news and they say possibly 3 more inches or more around noon. It's pretty to look at but I get cabin fever after a while and want to get out and moving. :-)

So, I went to bed early last night with a migraine..still feeling some effects from it this morning. Heard my oldest son tell me good night a few hours ago. Looked at the clock and it was five this morning. (Seems two little boys had a video game party while I was sleeping.) Actually, I don't even mind because they will sleep today and I can get a ton of work done. Or rest this head of mine. :-) Looks like we will not get a chance to make a snowman today anyway.

Goals for the Rest of the Week..


11 February 2014

So, I am back to recording my daily morning entries. Whew!!! It's been a hassle to get back organized. Once I get unorganized and I do mean in every aspect of my life..it takes what seems like forever to get it right. So, got up early this morning (did not oversleep)like I have been for the last week. I have no idea why it seems like I have been oversleeping for the past few weeks and wake up groggy as if I could keep on sleeping.

So, yesterday I was home and the phone kept ringing, and yes I kept answering it. Then I complain no one is respecting my time..lol. Well, I am much to blame for answering the phone. Son was not feeling well so he kept me company yesterday. Poor little guy..he loves school so I definitely knew he was sick when he got up in a bad mood. Had a little temp during the day. Look like the schools will be closed here after today probably for the rest of the week due to the snow storm. So, he has plenty of time to rest. Looks like I will be working from home again today.

Food menu for me today. I have the slightest idea. However, I hope to post something positive about my eating later today. I sincerely hope everyone has a great day. My weigh in day is coming near. It will most likely be next weekend. So, despite my downfalls I am still praying to make up for it this week and see some type of lost by next Sunday. Okay, I am out have to get the oldest up for school. Who knows the youngest pop up out of bed and say "Mommy, I am out of here." ;-)

09 February 2014

So, yesterday I was bad. :-( Today I have to stick with my plan to a science. O how I had such a wonderful dream. I was surrounded by beautiful clothes all small sizes and I could wear them all. I was looking like a young teenager again. Even if I don't get the teenager part back I definitely will take being healthy and in those clothes. I suppose I dreamed about clothes because the last thing I did was look at some online last night.

So, the clothing in my closet now is loosening up and if I got back to my bad ways then I am not going to have any clothes. :-( No one wants to see me with no clothes...:-0. Too funny!! I have just been under so much pressure let's see...kids are great no problem with them. Some times I think they are too amazing. However, I did go through a rough period a few years ago with the one on the A.Spectrum, so I am in a period of the calm after the storm. Praying whatever we are doing will continue with him. I believe it will. School almost done, but this week I was team leader for an assignment where other students who were taking only 3 classes were complaining they did not have time to be leader. Well hello.. I have five classes, work, and home life plus trying to stick to a healthy plan. So, of course I did it because that's me. Ended up eating wrong and using stress as an excuse. Mom moved away and although I am grown and living on my own. I feel abandoned :-0. Miss my mommy!!! However, happy she got the life she always wanted now. Writing my thoughts out seem to be very therapeutic!!! Have a great Sunday all!!!

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